A AMME enviou recentemente uma carta à União Europeia solicitando esclarecimentos sobre a nova regulamentação do AFIR. O objetivo é garantir que a implementação desta regulamentação em Portugal seja realizada de maneira correta e bem-sucedida.
A carta completa está disponível para consulta neste documento
A resposta da União Europeia pode ser lida abaixo:
Thank you very much for your email explaining the current Portuguese recharging system and its potential conflicts with AFIR.
AFIR provisions will become applicable as of this Saturday, April 13. The Commission will then monitor implementation in the Member States and assess compliance with AFIR.
The Commission is working on a Question and Answer document to address questions we have received over the last couple of months. A first version of this Q&A document addressing Article 5 is expected to be published in the coming week.
This Q&A document is intended to address specific technical questions. However, the document is not an interpretation of the regulation as only the Court of Justice of the European Union is competent to authoritatively interpret Union law. Equally, the document will not assess current practices in individual Member States but should provide some general indications ensuring a uniform implementation of the regulation across the Union.